Update 06/15: The situation seems to be normal again, which means even non-customers can finally send appeals again 🥳
Once in a while (around 2-3 times a year), Instagram likes to experiment with the whole appeal process, testing out new functions, rolling them back, and breaking the entire thing in the process, leaving users confused and frustrated by robbing them of the only way to recover a disabled Instagram account.
That is what they did roughly two weeks ago when changes in the appeal forms introduced the now dreaded error:
We cannot find any record of the user ID that you entered.
Many people contacted our support because Instagram made them believe that their account is permanently deleted and thus irrecoverable by appeal. Luckily, this is not the case, as the error is a false positive.
In reality, the updates to the appeal forms seem to have impacted a vital connection to the rest of Instagram's database/backend that performs the lookup if an account:
- exists
- is deleted
- is disabled
In the last two weeks, the reliability of that lookup has significantly worsened, increasing the tries needed to submit a successful appeal and thus the time spent on getting out each appeal for each account, and practically locking most people out of the form.
What does that mean to you as a Recap customer?
Luckily, all appeals are still carried out (and always were) as Recap has a way to make the appeal process more reliable. So if you are an active Recap customer, rest assured that your appeals are still being carried out and enjoy the the time you don't have to spent on fighting with Instagram to get your account back.
What if I'm not a recap customer, yet?
If Instagram's prior issues are anything to go by, the form should be back up in the next two weeks or so. Again, we will keep you updated using this blog post. If you don't want to wait, our team is happy to assist you with getting that account back.
TL;DR: Instagram broke their forms, Recap can submit appeals, Customers are not affected 🥳